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This one is one of my more serious entries... no jokes here.

Thoughts.. what really are our thoughts? Are they just an extension of our beings, that we can choose to share with others? Do we even have a choice as to what we will do with what we like to call “our” thoughts? Are they really ours, the only thing that we can call our own? Or are they something that the outside world forces upon us.. for if it wasn’t for everything else that is not yourself.. would you even have thoughts? And what about all the thoughts that we lose? The ones that are carelessly tossed aside and labelled useless or stupid or both. There is no such thing as a stupid thought in my opinion. We think things for a reason. This however is what we laughingly call a ‘blessing’. Some say ignorance is bliss.. but if it is, how would we know? All this randomness that you are now reading in 9 out of 10 cases it will not make much sense to the reader.. in fact its not even making much sense to me. But it all started out as a thought. Where did that thought come from? What started this chain reaction enabling me to think my own thoughts? How do we come up with our very own unique thoughts? And how do we know if they are unique? What if everything you have ever thought as been thought before? Or what if everything you thought had never been thought before? What if you never thought? Just acted upon instinct.. what then? Would we be where we are today? Not likely.

This is not turning out as I wanted it to… I had a thought. And this is where it led me. I had something else in mind…but what was it? Nothing but a lost thought now. And now… we will never know. Too bad.. it could have been interesting. A whole different future. What if everytime you ignore a thought a door is closed and that future so close to you will never be. Will we ever find out? Or is that just a thought

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