Yell-O Pansy and the Bumblebee - UG

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Official UnderGuide Entry

I love when the rain is raining

I love when the sun is bright

I love to hear sexy springtime

Singing of love in every sight!


I went to the market to see what the newly arrived spring brought into our region. There were thousands and thousands of little plants stuck up on shelves upon shelves waiting to be picked up by gracious buyers to carry them to their summer home.

Passing by a most colorful Pansy region I heard a whispering voice: “ Take me home” –(well, this is my imagination I thought) and went further looking at the immense variety of flowers. Suddenly I heard now in a much stronger voice like yelling at me:

“Take me home. I am the Yell-O Pansy waiting for you!” I turned back and surely She was a mighty “hooker”, grabbed me with her incredible beauty.

“All right” I said carefully putting Her into my cart “ I take you with me Yell- O Pansy”. She was just giggling with her awareness being so beautiful as Nature decorated her with soft velvety yellow petals to contrast with deep dark almost black color in the middle of her flower existence.

She felt that She is on the way to a wonderful future as She sat down in my car after I paid the price for her beauty! (Ah, so disenchanting to pay for a most delicate creature at a cashier with a credit card!)

When we arrived home I told her, that I am an artist: I paint. She was most willing to come up to my studio to be a model for Her portrait. Quickly sat on the top of a table carefully fixing her petals after the long ride.

Than just waited patiently to have her portrait to be painted. While I was working to match her mesmerizing colors, I also told her that in the garden there is a most beautiful, handsome big bumblebee bothering me since couple of days. Perhaps the fragrance of the shampoo I used washing my hair, or possibly the color of my dress attracted him.

Regretfully I had to chase him away saying: “Look I can not be the subject of your overwhelming love for honey as you're buzzing into my ears.I don’t have honey for you.”

The bumblebee was puzzled, and told me, he just woke up in the garage where he slept all winter, and he is a little confused. At this early springtime he does not see many flowers yet, so he was just trying to look around in his first flight.

Yell-O Pansy listened carefully, because she understood immediately that She has the honey for the Bumblebee. As all these things were discussed by order of Nature, Yell-O Pansy got a little restless. She bend her head and turned to me saying that She wants to go out to enjoy the sunshine: looking forward to meet the handsome Bumblebee.

She moved to the window to look out to the garden: her home-to-be for the summer. But the sun was about to settle down for a good night sleep and Yell-O Pansy folded her petals saying that the Big Day is going to be tomorrow for wonderful things to happen.

Yes, there was a next day, because there is always tomorrow to come.

In a sunny corner of my garden Yell-O Pansy found a very comfortable place to wait for the handsome Bumblebee to come around. Her petals were sparkling in the sunshine and it was a most cheerful sight for me as a “matchmaker” when I heard the deep voice of the humming Bumblebee to approach Yell-O Pansy!

Ah the sight of the colors as Yell-O Pansy's petals shined in the simmering morning mist!! Ah, the sweetness of the honey hiding behind the petals what all that meant for a weakening, hungry bumblebee!

Nature’s magical arrangement brought the bumblebee closer and closer to Yell-O Pansy as She was waiting in her beauty to be awarded. Bumblebee showing His proper courtship was dancing around Her a little. Suddenly He found the entrance to the honey which Pansy was storing for Him.

In the overwhelming joy both finding each other not only the Bumblebee had a fantastic meal but inadvertently fertilized Yell-O Pansy tiny “eggs” as they were also there near the honey.

She was not aware what was happening to her, only later realized it that seeds grew in her pouch close to the honey jar. Later in the Summertime as her beauty faded spread the seeds around for future Pansies to grow in my garden.

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