Random Facts

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-Spiders on caffiene make messier webs than spiders on LSD.

-4,000 Americans are hospitalised every year from vacuum cleaner related accidents. How? No idea.

-Koala's never drink.

-In NZ there was a cat that rode on a motorbike with it's owner. They were both killed in a car accident.

-Carrots can turn your skin a shade of orange if you eat too many.

-Red hair is a sign of zinc in your head.

-Even if both your parents are left-handed, you are more than twice as likely to be right-handed than left. (What about me? Both mine are right-handed)

-The worlds most advanced motorbike was designed by a man with learning difficulties from a country that not many know of. (New Zealand)

-The meaning of life, the universe, and everything is 42. But everyone should know that (:

-A grizzly bear can decapitate a moose with one hit

-The longest one-syllable word in the English language is 'screeched

-Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in ever section of the Dewy decimal system

-The volume of the Earth's moon is about the same volume as the Pacific Ocean

-Captain Jean-Luc Picards fish was named Livingston

-The inter-national dial number for Antarctica is 672

-The longest word in the English language (according to Oxford dictionary) is pnumonoultramicrospicsilicovolcanoconiosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters is the plural of it.

If you have any more random facts, post them here (:

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