Economic report on Iraq from Iraq and how George W. and Tamagotchi-toys have caused this. CAC C

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The ongoing war in Iraq has caused severe trauma, massive body counts and scurrying into holes by small furry animals. Now you might ask : 'What is economically speaking so bad about this?' Well I do know and you don't so pay attention and not the rent.

The massive body count and scurrying into holes cause severe trauma for the small furry animals, which in turn causes severe weight and hair loss.This is bad because this is a major source of food and clothing for the native Indian Shamans of Iraq. If these shaman warriors cannot feed and clothe their people, the people will start losing faith in their divine abilities, which in turn means that the native tribes will stop importing millions of Tamagotchi each year. Looking at the bilateral aspect of currency trading, this will lower the demand for the Japanese Yen relative to the Iraqi money unit. This will be a huge setback for the Japanese NoLaafTama-WorlDomination-project because their main export is Tamagotchi and the Indian shaman have huge influencial powers in other countries.

Before I continue I must first elaborate on this project by the ever so prolific Japanese inventors. Because the space-time continuum is bent, the Japanese want to fix this. The project is highly confidential but what I do know is that it involves the binary programming of
illusive keys. The project's main objective is to artificially 'grow' a Japanese citizen incapable of fascination with electronic devices, mass euphoric consumer rampages, and being extremely amusing to Americans. Success in this project will mean that because Americans don't have a Japanese culture to find comic relief from anymore, the nation's depression level will increase exponentially and this will cause a rate of suicide higher than a lemming cliff-picnic. This will mean that the East will be the strongest world power and that infiltration by Tamagotchi will go unchallenged. And this means that attention will be divided by infinity because the colossal number of Tamagotchis will need feeding.

Now back to the point. This will be extremely bad (not the good kind), because after astute observations contemplated with austere perspicacity, I believe that not only can a man be judged by the company he keeps, he can be judged by those he leads, and if your leader is George W., then you must be an idiot as well. (I am unable to elaborate on the source of this information as it is extremely confidential and missing). What all of this implies is that because George W. is an idiot, the world will inevitably end in a horrible devoid of any sense of responsibility kind of way.

Be aware,be warned and be informed.

The honourable and vaguely eligible :
Lord Gorbie Leuvenick Vurkmoord Jarkensen

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