Alphen aan den Rijn (Holland)

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Alphen aan den Rijn is a small town in The Netherlands and is situated in the province of Zuid-Holland. Due to its central placing it is a popular place to live. In about half an hour you will be able to reach the centra of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.
The town is divided by an river called de Rijn.

Place to be is Choices a very popular club among the trendy youth. If you want to go to a bar/pub which is less crowded you have various possibillities. For example Het Kasteel, where they play various kinds of music, from rock to house. There is also a small cinema and a bowling centre in Alphen aan den Rijn.
During daytime you can visit a small lake where you can sail, waterski and swim. An others tourist attraction is Avifauna, which is like a Zoo, but just for birds. Or you can visit a themepark called Archeon, where they take you back to the time of the Roman Empire.

At the moment the centre of the town is a mess because of the building plans from the local authority. This is called the masterplan, the meaning of this plan is to create a uniform centre of the city, which at the moment is divided by the river.

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