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This is the worst scenerio ever encountred by a person ever.
I was just stood in the collage library minding my own business when i was suddenly confronted by both my girlfriends. Yes both.Yes they were angry.And yes they wanted to know why i was going out with both of them. Now all i can suggest to you is when this happens have these 3 trusty items.
1.A gun
2.1 bullet
3.And a good suicide note.
I was going to choose one of them honest. But they found me first. My life had just entered a vortex in which there was no escape. This is how i did it. I said "look i like you both but i really need time to think which one i want i mean at the moment kirsty you are on 12 points and christie you are on 13" It was a joke and they just left me.
I now have no one.My advice to any mortal even thinking about two timing anyone is...........Make sure they live miles away from each other.><> There are lots of types of confrontaions.When your Mother being says "Who ate all the cake" Usually this sentance will arrive to you in a much more aggresive form. Or have you tiedied your room.Notice though for all confrontations you end up lying. This is an unfortunate curse which humans will carry with them forever. The curse of the lie.. Well that is a horrible experience. Two nice girls and now none. I can just say this last round up message
Destiny's final thought

When at earth and you encounter this female species be yourself be honest. Don't lie. And treat them to everything they desirse. You must becareful of the male species. If you watch your mate notice she will flirt this will usually cause a definite jelousy. This jelousy is a evil emotion beware of it. Now i bid you farewell and listen to the advice given

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