Fate of the Planet

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This subject can, could, or did hold true for many planets.
As a universal known, Magratheans are responsible for constructing planets according to one's needs and wants. However, unknown to an incredibly large amount of life forms, Magratheans were also part time billiard ball constructors. These are not your ordinary sized billiard balls, but gigantically big. Many of the inhabited "planets" today are actually these billiard balls.
Now, these balls would have no purpose if they could not be played with. Finally, the Magratheans, near bankruptcy, discovered a race of gigantically large aliens, consisting of only two immortal beings. In their spare time, they like to play billiards.
So, Magrathea cut a deal with these aliens, and sold them the billiard balls. But, unaware about the billiard balls, some weary travelers and pioneers mistook the balls for planets. This all occurred a long time ago, but the billiard game is still in play.
The aliens are unaware that tiny colonizations inhabit the billiard balls, and still randomly hit them.
Therefore, the fate of some planets will be one of the following:
* The planet will be shot into a black hole
* The planet will accidentally be shot off the table from overcompensation and will be chased around by the alien's pet cat.

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