Instant Messaging services

2 Conversations

Instant Messengers come in many different forms-AIM, MSN, Trillian and ICQ1, for example. They are different from E-Mail because they communicate in real-time2. AIM only allows two people to communicate via IM; MSN allows more than one person.

Many people use Instant Messengers to communicate about work, social events, or just Life, the Universe and Everything. Instant Messengers have been unfairly linked to Chatrooms. IMing is used as a form of communication, and NOT as things where everyone creates links to Pornography sites (unlike the AIM chatrooms).

Other Features

IMing can be used to send files over the Web. People with Webcams and microphones can telecommute by talking over the computer and seeing the other person't face. People with microphones alone can communicate using their voices.

I hope this has set the record COMPLETELY straight about IMing services.
1Others include Yahoo! and Google2When someone speaks in real-time, they're speaking right now

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