A Rolling Paper Plane

3 Conversations

A Rolling Paper Plane is not really a plane, but more like a propeller that spins on the end of one's finger. It is very easy to make and hopefully as easy to explain how to make. The material list is: one rolling paper (regular size, - large is too flimsy, but it will work in a pinch)

1. Hold paper glue side up (or place on flat surface).

2. Fold each of the four edges in about 1/8 " ( a little more is good - not quite the width of the gluestrip).

3. Carefully, so as not to tear, unfold each edge and flatten corners.

4. Each corner should look like a tiny square. Put a little crease across the diagonal of each one so that the paper is 'pointed' on each corner. Pinching the corners works best for this.

5. Now adjust the sides so they're about 45 degrees from the plane of the paper (pointing out). It should look like a tiny tray. Flatten the corners a bit so they aren't pinched together.

6. Now (hopefully) you are ready to fly!


1. Hold the 'plane' between thumb and forefinger with tip of forefinger in the center of the back side (concave side toward thumb). You will be making an OK sign.

2. Bring outstretched arm back as far as you can, it should be nearly horizontal. Remember, the paper will be a propeller, your finger will be the plane.

3. Now swing your arm forward at a medium speed, taking your thumb away right after the motion starts. You may have to spin your whole body around to keep it going.

4. Once you're able to get the thing spinning, you'll be able to move your hand in a somewhat vertical circle in front of you, the 'plane' will stay on your fingertip as long as you keep it pointing and moving forward. Advanced flyers will find that a figure 8 is most fun.

5. These 'planes' come with unlimited* tech support. If you have trouble, drop a line. I'll get to it ASAP. Happy Flying!

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