The Neverhood

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The Neverhood

"The Neverhood" is both a great computer game and a great computer company (or at least was *sniff*). Its also where I got my nickname, Hoborg. This game is one of the most imaginative and fun games Ive ever played. If that statement alone makes you want to rush out and buy it, you'll have to go to [URL removed by moderator] to see if you can find it there, because it is sold out in stores everywhere. If you'd like to find out more about the game first, then I'll tell you...

Gameplay And All That Shtuff

"The Neverhood" is a puzzle game made ENTIRELY out of clay (klay). You take control of Klaymen in figuring out different puzzles in order to take him to new parts of the Neverhood. The gameplay has 2 perspectives. One perspective is a side-view of klaymen in the room he's in. This is the one mostly used when you are solving puzzles and things. The other perspective is where you see from Klaymen's point of view, walking around the huge klay world. This is how you travel from room to room, most of the time. As for the puzzles, they're all creative and challenging (except for that shtupid H slide puzzle. Thats just ANNOYING, but its the only one!). The Neverhood is also really original, and a good break from all the "Tomb Raider" games. The game is just plain fun. Its not annoyingly hard, but its hard enough to get ya thinking.


Well... I was going to say a lot about the story behind the neverhood, but then that would give it away, and part of the fun of the neverhood is that you collect disks that fill you in on the story. If you want to know about the story, I'll link you to an EXCELLENT Neverhood fanpage at the bottom. I THINK it has a storyline-type-thing there. Thats only if you dont plan on buying/playing someone elses Neverhood, cause If you knew the story before ya put the disks together, it wouldnt be as cool. If somebody wants me to, I could write the storyline in a journal entry. You can get a little bit about it that dosent spoil the game from the charicters section.


There are 4 main charicters and 2 main species you will see in the Neverhood, although there are MANY more in the whole story of the neverhood (You can get the full "Neverhood Chronicals" @ Doo's page. Its either a mighty long story, or a short book you can print out). Anyway, the main charicters are:

KLAYMEN - The MAIN main charicter that you control! Socrates once said that if one uses intellegence and reason, that person must do the good or right thing because there would be no other option. That applies to this, because Klay's the guy who needs all the intellegence in order to do the right thing in the end.

HOBORG - Recognise the name =)? Hoborg is the ruler of the neverhood, and created it in the first place (I wont give any more about that away). Hoborg is one of Quaters sons, which you can read all about in the Neverhood Chronicals, and he dosent have a specific species (maybe hoodian). He's unique.

KLOGG - The big bad guy. He was created by Hoborg. He's cool looking. 'Nuff said.

WILLIE TROMBONE - MY favorite charicter in the Neverhood game (In the chronicals, it would have to be uh-uh). He's all whacky and silly, like a lot o' hoopheads. He helps Klaymen along on his quest, giving him hints about puzzles in the mail.

BIG ROBOT BIL AND TEDDY - (I can count good, huh?) This is the big robot who loves his teddy bear. He was created by Hoborg (I think. It could have been Ottoborg.). You get to RIDE him in the game! (Its a movie, but its the best movie).

As for the "species", they are:

HOODIAN - The main species in the neverhood. They were all created by Hoborg, and they all come from pretty much the same mold as Klaymen, but mebbe with different colors.

HOOP-HEADS - The only Hoop-Head in the neverhood is Willie (Except maybe for some fan-chars, like DoodLeS), for reasons you can read up on in the chronicals at Doo's page. All Hoop-heads were created by Ottoborg. The main charicteristic of a hoop-head is the big hoop they have on top of their heads, hence the name. Hoop-heads' main problem is trees, and the fact that they keep getting their hoops caught on branches and they get stuck (theyre not very bright, you know). Petri Alfonzo, the hoop-head, tried to solve that problem by cutting his head off, but that proved to be fatal.

Other Shtuffs

The Neverhood also has a small, yet really enthusiastic fandom surrounding it. The main page for all this craziness, and also the best Neverhood site on the web is DoodLeS's page. Theres also a Message Board where us hoodians hang around. I post there a bit, name being AbslOm.

Well, thats about all I wanna tell you for now, cause I dont want to spoil any experiences you'll have playing it.

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