Science Fiction
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
"And as they flew into the sky, they saw that the people were small and sad. So they came back and made more wings for more people. But when again they tried to fly, the people were still sad. So they taught the people how to make wings, and everyone flew with them to the big light....Some were not strong and burned in the light but were cared for by the light dwellers...."
This tale was a myth to explain why his sun burned so bright (the star was then dying), but nonetheless it was the world's first Sci-Fi tale. Over the course of history Sci-Fi has progressed from simplistic myths to complex dramas, featuring high technology and, more often than not, alien races. These aliens are nothing like the real aliens that exist and are usually based on the race doing the Sci-Fi to save on Makeup and CGI work. It doesn't detract from the experience that the aliens look like people, but it makes it seem more believable.
Sci-Fi's future is uncertain. As the various races of the universe meet up with one another the need for aliens in Sci-Fi will lessen. As technology develops, the technology on Sci-Fi will become greater, but sooner or later there would be a limit. But somehow, some visionary would probably find a way to keep Sci-Fi going...