Incredibly Underused, overlong, pointless in existence words

1 Conversation

Psaphonic - planning one's rise to fame

Groaking - staring at someone eating in hopes they'll give you something

Yerk - to beat someone vigorously

Formication - the feeling that ants are crawling on you

Phronemophobia - fear of thinking

Myomancy - divination by movements of mice

Spizzerinctum - the will to succeed

Ultracrepidarianism - giving opinions outside of one's knowledge

Gharnao - a raft made of inverted ceramic pots

Palinoia - compulsive repetition of an act until perfect

Zumbooruk - a small cannon fired from the back of a camel

Oobar - a dry fog of the upper Nile

Hamartia - the classic tragic flaw

Hircismus - stinky armpits

Honorificabilitudinitatibus - with honorableness

Cynanthropy - disorder where sufferer imagines he's a dog

Sinciput - the forehead

Spheropygian - having full and rounded buttocks

Omphaloskepsis - contemplating one's navel

Exophagy - cannibalism outside the tribe

Anophelosis - morbid state due to extreme frustration

Unasinous - equally stupid

Empleomania - obsession with holding public office

Floccinaucinihilipilification - categorizing something as worthless trivia

Peritoneum - the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity

Introjection- building someone else's qualities into your ego

Sparganosis- infection from larvae of the fish tapeworm

Helminthisasis- disease caused by worms invading the body

Buccal- the inside of your cheek

Quercetin- a yellow dye found in lemons

Bolus- chewed up lumps of food

Aerophobia - fear of air

Sagittal Suture - jagged line on the top of your skull

Caseation - dead tissue that looks like crumbly cheese

Anterior Nares - your nostrils

Morology - the study of foolish and nonsensical talking

Caruncle - small piece of bulging flesh

Panphobia - fear of everything

Trichotillomania - abnormal urge to pull out one's hair

Azygous - appearing as one single being or part

Barophobia- fear of gravity

Post-Prandial - following a meal

Ideophobia- fear of ideas

Genu- any body structure that's shaped like the knee

Epulis- a tumor or growth on the gums

Epistaxis- a nose bleed

Blue Nevus- a steel blue skin lump

Entropion- an eyelid turned in towards the eye

Fasciculus- small bundle of muscles, tendons, or nerve fibers

Hypesthesia- abnormally low sense of feeling

Calor- body heat

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