Herne and Broomfield, Kent, UK

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Herne and Broomfield are two little interlocking villages near the north coast of Kent, a few miles north of Canterbury. They aren't famous for anything, no-one famous lived there and no famous battles were fought out around there, but they do have an interesting background.

There are four pubs in both Herne and Broomfield. One of them, in Herne, is called the Smuggler's Inn, because Herne used to be a meeting place for smugglers. They had tunnels leading to the church (only famous because the tree outside the church is in the Encyclopedia Britannica under Christmas Trees) and all around the village. As soon as this was found out, some early pub entrepreneurs came along and turned it into a nice little pub.

Go down the main street and you will get to Strode Park. Although this is now a retirement home and hospital, they used to build cars there. Every year they have a fun-run around Herne and the surrounding area, for which atheletes from all over the world come to.

Further up the main street is Herne Infants and Junior School. These two schools (although up to five years ago they were just one school) have been around for roughly 130 years, and are still going exceedingly stong for village schools.

Go yet further up the main road and up a second road and you will get to Herne Windmill. This windmill can be seen for miles around, and is really the only place of interest around Herne and Broomfield.

As you go through into Broomfield, you get to the duck pond. There's nothing really special about this, except for the unusual feat of being bone dry in winter and overflowing in summer.

That concludes the tour of Broomfield. Not very exciting, but still worth a visit.

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