Lafayette, Indiana, USA

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The following has been researched by fish_pants from his travels in the mid-west united states.

Lafayette is a mid-size town in the mid-west United
States. It seems to any to be a regularly place to live, until you drive a few miles outside the city. It is surrounded by miles upon miles of corn and nothing else, seeing trees when outside Lafayette ( but the vicinity of Lafayette) is a rare sight and should be photographed before its torn down to make room for more corn.

It would seem to not be a good place to stay, because of the lack of hotels or rather the lack of decent hotels. The streets are in a confusing pattern or well in a confusing state of no pattern, but never the less make sure to have up-to-date maps because these people can never decide where they would like the roads to stay.

There is a tip for pedestrians in Lafayette, that is, if you decide to cross a road and have looked around and get your calculations done, it is the best to subtract three seconds to the amount of time that you already have in mind. The average drivers in Lafayette as I have observed for many years, will neither stop for small animals such as squirrels nor humans. (deep thought II) The most of the meanest people in Lafayette are the bus drivers. They will make sure to cut off bicycles or any sort of transportation. No one knows why, but i speculate is because of the absence of good places to sleep or the excess of corn.

Like most mid-size city's, they try to grow. This means they have a increase of jobs, so in turn, a increase in the illegal Mexican population. This means good Spanish is great to have when needing menial tasks to complete like mowing grass. the HomeDepot of highway 26 is a good place to find these said "illegals".

Since this is the mid-west most of the residence's are rednecks (hillbilly's) and you will find them all at Wal-Mart. It is a very good idea to stay away from this place, unless you like fat women with 7 children screaming at the alcoholic husband.

It is advised to steer clear of this area or in any case the state of Indiana itself. I'd advise also very strongly to not eat at any oriental restaurant (Asian) because of the lack of Asians to make good Asian food and the rat droppings people find in the food

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