H2G2 vs. Wikipedia
Created | Updated Sep 21, 2005
I believe an equivalent description of H2G2 vs. Wikipedia could be the most important entry in the H2G2, because it would clearly define how H2G2 is not a repeat of Wikipedia but will be its own unique entity with a well-defined purpose, presumably to give more functional information or something of that sort. Examples of a Wikipedia entry vs. H2G2 entry could be provided. For kicks, I looked up a couple things like "Smurfs" to see how the resources compared.
I challenge the best minds of H2G2 to take on this all-important task!!!!!!!! Newbies like me will need the guidance in order to serve as effective guides. Unless, H2G2 is meant to just mirror Wikipedia, which would be a sad waste given the overall fantastic framework this site provides to be something more.