H2G2 vs. Wikipedia

4 Conversations

In reviewing this site, it is not entirely clear to me how a H2G2 entry would differ from the same topic in Wikipedia based on the Writing Guide. I vaguely recall a critical passage in the hitchhiker guide where the guide explained that a hitchhiker guide entry was far superior to one in the encyclopedia because an encyclopedia might tell you that a towel is made of cotten whereas the Guide would tell you can defeat a Bugblaster by wrapping the towel around your eyes. Or that the encyclopedia would tell you the contents of an alcoholic drink whereas the Guide might tell you where to get one, how much to pay, how many to give a local girl so as to get her drunk enough but not so drunk as to pass out, etc.

I believe an equivalent description of H2G2 vs. Wikipedia could be the most important entry in the H2G2, because it would clearly define how H2G2 is not a repeat of Wikipedia but will be its own unique entity with a well-defined purpose, presumably to give more functional information or something of that sort. Examples of a Wikipedia entry vs. H2G2 entry could be provided. For kicks, I looked up a couple things like "Smurfs" to see how the resources compared.

I challenge the best minds of H2G2 to take on this all-important task!!!!!!!! Newbies like me will need the guidance in order to serve as effective guides. Unless, H2G2 is meant to just mirror Wikipedia, which would be a sad waste given the overall fantastic framework this site provides to be something more.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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