A Poem

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Night brings fear and horror
When it coasts across the sky
Blacking out the sun so bright
I fear the darkness,
It brings no good
In my bed I shiver
Sleep shall not come tonight
I fear being alone to my haunting thoughts
I fear no one like I fear my mind
At night my mind goes into frenzy
Thinking thoughts so scary
I scare myself senseless so often
I don’t understand myself
How can my brain become my curse?
I slip away into lala-land
The night is creeping closer
My haunting dreams of others are forming in my mind
Figures of murders, thieves, bombers, and shooters
Creep into my dreams
Do I die tonight or will another
A child is crying
It is me when I was three
So little
But I am sure that even then my heart was not true
Years ago by
In a minor minute
I wake hot and sweaty
The pain still fresh in my mind
The owls are hooting
Their grimness makes me shiver
Alone again by myself to my thoughts
The night is around me forever reminding me of my dreams
My head falls into my waiting hands
Will I ever get away?
I glance at the window
Those murders can come through at any time….
Died in my bed
I shake my head trying to kill the image
I haunt myself,
My mind always following myself
I grab at reality for release
From my curse
Dawn comes and light brings release
But even in day
I fear
But I do not dream,
Those dreams
I just remember

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