Dimensional Rifts

1 Conversation

There are many types of dimensional rifts, most of which can be seen in various episodes of 'Star Trek'. Some rifts are tears in the space-time continuum, some are folds, some are bumps, and some are simply the universe's way of saying 'Gotcha' when you're having an otherwise really good day.

While some believe them to be rare, rifts actually exist all over the place, usually in the form of some sort of container. In many cases, the exterior of a container will exist in normal space, but the interior will exist inside of a rift. This means that the inside is slightly larger than the outside. So, once you remove an object from the container, its interface loses alignment and the rift collapses. The object then becomes a bit larger than the container itself, meaning that there is no possible way to fit it back in its original container.

A very sophisticated and large-scale form of dimensional rift can be seen in any government spending program.

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