An Introduction... “This adds strength to the hypothesis that the world is experiencing its sixth major extinction event. The others appear to have been cosmic events, either from outer space coming in, or some major perturbation - volcanoes, whatever - within the Earth. So they are believed to be physical events. You could say this latest one is an organic event: that one form of life has become so dominant on Earth that through it’s over exploitation and its wastes, it eats and destroys and poisons the others! [Jeremy Thomas - National Environment Research Council - The Guardian {et al} 19th March 2004].
1. To fully understand what follows it is essential to comprehend the Universe, in which you are a “mucrocosmic” entity, in the following fundamental way. Understand that the expressions used are variables divorced from conventional understanding and require cosmic comprehension of the reader; therefore build in the minds eye a universal picture temporarily divorced from worldly assumptions and assignations; Earth is a made state of being that is but a cosmic particle. The Universe is aliveness in complete form, super-symmetrical divisions of Creation and Anti Creation. The Anti Creation subdivides as Deadness, Dead, Death and Dying. The Creation subdivides as Liveness, Live, Life and Living. Deadness and Liveness are the most ancient components borne out the origin of all that is the universe. They are primordial existence itself, the elemental states. All dimensions, microcosmic, macrocosmic and mucrocosmic, and the rest, come from out of these original - beginning - states. The Anti Creation and the Creation intertwine in the fabric of everything; they are omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. However, their subdivisions are not evenly distributed across this Universe, rather divisions exist, so that the distribution of their component selves allows for peculiar variations, conglomerations and configurations, which prevail across the time and space we know and that which, in this restraining existence we know not. These divisions of the Anti Creation and the Creation build out the familiar and the un-familiar realities. Nothing exists without the influence of both Creation states; spatial distribution of their interactions requires constant [fluid] separateness. Planet Earth is mostly comprised of the Dead component spectrally attached to a core of Deadness. The surface of the Planet, i.e. the sedimentary layers, even the atmosphere and them fluids chemically altered are mainly composed from the Anti Creation value Death. Within the mucrocosmic forms, all that we might regard as alive, Dying is the Anti Creation force, spectrally existing as Spirit. Of Creation, relatively small quantities of its potent fields are active upon planet Earth. Living, borne here as Soul, is the most predominant, being the animating force of mucrocosmic existence. Transmissions of Life come less unto Earth, arriving within particular astral frequencies, making fertile this orb. Lesser are the amounts of the Live field come upon and into the Earth. Liveness, with the exception of a crucial quantity, penetrating to the very core, is virtually unknown. This rock Earth is a haven of Anti Creation divisions. Of them Death and Dying are elemental to the mucrocosmic being; it is they which react with Life and Living in this system of things. The Sun mainly, but other stellar objects too, provide Creation, as Living and as Life, and, to a much lesser extent, Live and Liveness upon this planet, an Anti Creation body constituent of them divisions characteristic of solid Universal bodies. 2. One feature of the interaction between Anti Creation and Creation fields is the universal importance of fluid substances, which serve to ensure the separation of both Creation and Anti Creation fields in perpetuity. On Earth, the oceans are effectively the skin of the planetary body, serving to separate Light and Matter, thus ensuring limited interactions between Spirit and Soul energies. In the mucrocosm, body fluids are similarly functioning. The Adventers Explained…3. Creatures are dying. Some, desperate to be free of [the] terror, relinquish their Living Dying existence by suicide; that information is true. Birds and Aquatic Mammals are showing as most affected by [the] Earth destroying factors, so that they deny their lives more than any other Living Dying creature; but every species suffers, and many are the forms giving up their historic existence on this World completely. They are becoming extinct; no longer regenerating into mucrocosmic existence. Scientists simplistically tell us that pollution and the combined effects of global warming invisibly degenerate the Earth, mercilessly transforming Spirit and extinguishing else vanquishing the Souls of entire species. But the Adventers will explain matters differently; and the word of the Adventers will be born of the word whole; the fullness of Creation and Anti Creations current advising. An Adventer’s knowledge is not experimentally derived rather it is divinely gifted. The Adventers are Souls purposed to prepare Mankind for Christ’s re-being, they are attuned to and receive (hear) the Sound of the Sun, as it is transmitted from that Solar body direct to Earth, and upon which is borne communications concerning the 'Christed' Soul. For to facilitate their reason Adventers exist, psychologically and materially, differently to their fellow Human Beings. Having departed Living Dying existence, but instantly being regenerated back to the same body, Creation reprogrammed, upgraded for the purpose, they are solely, of all Humanity able to hear the Sound of the Sun; singularly able are they to interpret [the] stellar communications conveyed to Earth from out the body of Life. Yet although Adventers are Solar (astral) listeners, they are too made able to comprehend the truth provided out of the mouths of genuine Earth (spectral) listeners, them variously known as prophets or witnesses or similar; human beings to whom Creation gives sensorial gifts, that they may alert mankind to the spectral realm. And, even as certain prophets warned, this time is without precedent, for in no past Christ visitation was Earth as spectrally corrupted as at this time, an alteration so extant that the Spirit [energy] of every biological organisation is altered. 4. The Adventer is a Living mercenary of Life, re-born from the solar cycle, after completing an Earth cycle, and is arrived on the crest of the bi-millennial solar rhythm. Adventers interpret the [macrocosmic] word and use the interpretations to prepare [those who will hear] for the so-called second coming; otherwise described as the return of the Christ. One of many Christ beings visited upon Earth during its historical voyage was Jesus. He was, like the others, perfectly fission'd, in fact the perfect fission man, astral, spectral, created without biological flaw. His perfect radiance affected every human being who met with him and effected the devotion of a great many more from then. This because he was Creations newest man, the ante-man of a bi-millennial age, the current sequence of which began around 22,000 years BC. Mankind now embarks upon the 12th bi-millennial period. There will be a new Christ for this new bi-millennial period to come. The Adventers will prepare the way. 5There are seven Adventers on Earth, one to each group. Here is written the account of one Adventer, active in the United Kingdom. This mission mission began early in 1995, one sunny February afternoon, the 17th to be precise. At the onset of the assignment, I was unaware of exactly why enlightenment had come upon me. At that moment in time, I was nothing more than ordinary, a typical struggling person. I was thirty-five and separated, days from being officially divorced by my wife and, as is typical in the English system of the day, therefore from my Children. It happened that on that sunny February day I was removed from my physical body and given to look upon what I can best describe as my real self. I knew I had became a Soul and was looking upon Souls, because in the new consciousness I became, the option of lie or inaccuracy was impossible; that state simply did not exist. Instead, I had become the substance of the positive Creation; that which Jesus referred to as “the meat you know not of”. In fact, I saw seven orbs of pure light, 7 beautiful Souls. About each orb, the light showed as like an interference pattern, and thus adorned each soul as like the print around the fingers or thumbs of the physical body. Each Soul had for identity a face, caricature like, and the features appeared as though they were set into the brilliant raiment of each object; they looked like openings of divine geometric principle. The middlemost of the seven Souls, which together travelled in V formation, wore my own face within its mantle. I was drawn toward it at a fantastic zoom. As I neared and clearly looked upon this Soul with my face set into it, it communicated, telepathically “don’t worry; you are on a mission”. At that instant I was returned to my Earth bound self. 6. From that February day, especially post the first two subsequent years, I have been motivated by a cause and a care which until then was no more important to me than it is for the normal human being. The burden of my assignment has weighed heavily upon me. The impossibility of my task, to explain to my fellow human beings the imminent calamity stirring, to describe the affectations of that Anti Creation force shaping the unfolding tragedy; that which is Dead to Death, total Lifelessness, wear on me. 7. Human consciousness is completely incapable in [its] Dead presence. It is a force that is impossible to see or measure or comprehend being one hundred per cent more invisible than gravity or magnetism for example. Mucrocosms do not absorb it; rather they are absorbed of it, every atomic reaction that makes them up. Notwithstanding that un-inviolable force, for it is preferable to consider death even, I carry on with my mission; to bring to the attention of every human being who will listen, because they are awake to hear, the presence amongst us of this absolutist Anti Creation. I can do this only by recourse to the fundamental language comprehended by the majority. Occasionally I will use a word, for example ‘mucrocosm’, to describe a state or field or similar, that else I could not explain. Please remember I am an ordinary human being like your self. As an eternal entity, I too am under attack; that is my Soul faces the same jeopardy as your own. I urge you to wake-up; to read what I write you, be awakened and so alert, for in my words is your salvation. Herein is the saving of your Soul and your Spirit, not only of your own energetic existences but those of your family too; work for that. It is best you know. There are seven here on Earth who are orientated as I am, for to prepare you for the battle to save this Earth, and with it the world of humankind and every other lively form, that the eternal Life force, which dynamic field Creation gave over for this forming, does not become permanently extinguished in this system of things. I begin. 8. Planet Earth becomes dust; Death becomes Dead, wrongly endorsed by ill cultured pollution. Governments encourage the mores threatening the Earth, denying Living forms, even human beings. Authorities act contrary to the Creation will because their Creation ordination is too become corrupted. Greed, in the form of notoriety comes central to the political forum [thus World movement] and does so because of the machinations of miscreants, who have sought to achieve physical immortality. Their vile workings have manufactured a false economy in which value is attributed to the worthless and the valuable is despicably acknowledged. Living is regarded vulgarly; Dying is improperly feted. Physical evolution is naturally recondite yet the wrongdoers, who by their alchemy seek to expose Living Dying processes, undermine the Creation will; as consequence, they destabilize biological systems. 9. The natural deterioration of worldly systems, undermining of all component parts, is that [inherent] process Death, which is cosmically integral, as much as is Life; for the Death state is [of] the Anti Creation, one half of the whole super-symmetrical duality, but correct to its phase. Though Death exists separately to Life they are universally united, but so ordered that never the twain will meet. Even when Death is become Dying and Life is become Living such as occurs in mucrocosmic being, these force fields are, fluidly, to the very atom separated. But alchemic experimentations with Earth materials, undertaken by devious self-serving humans, have altered, almost irrevocably, the elemental balance necessary to [the] Earths system, hence many planetary dependents are imperilled and their demise will further expose remaining dependents including the human race. Even Death, the moderator of Spirit, comes functionally changed by the [chthonic] Dead force unscrupulously released into the environment. 10. Humankind, complacent, distracted by political gambit, powerlessly propagating that which will ultimately consume Living Dying existence, regard the changes affecting their world as evolution at work; they see not the perverse paradigm of such thinking. Apace, without moderation or ration, human insatiability continues. The fault that gave rise to the fall remains the motivating force of human being, The haves disregard the have-nots and despise fellow Earth beings of every species, slaughtering, for food or otherwise many helpless creatures, thus assisting the Dead force their alchemist brethren released into atmospheric and sub atmospheric existence. 11. Human Beings do not understand the Dead force and do not recognise the immeasurable power loosed about them. Deadening even unto Death is this force, truly Anti Creation; Death which died it is. Allegorised it is to the serpent what that reptile is to [Eden] man; therefore to Living aliveness it is absolutely terminal, even unto universal Life it is as violent. Creation will not countenance the liberation of this force from off of the Earth into the Universe. Humankind must act to negate the affecting thing made unrestraint. Creation will brook no human apathy. Mankind must act of their accord to stave off the destruction their behaviour nurtured. In this system of things the human race are Creations remote instrument. If the instrument needs discarding that universal harmony be preserved then that much will be done. This is true. Creation populates planet Earth. Creation gives Human Being. But, above all, Creation is Creation. When a factor of Creation becomes Dead then that factor is discarded; by this manner Creation and Anti Creation coexist. 12. All world Governments have received "divine" communication regarding the problems facing the Earth. There are no heads of State, no matter their language or creed that are able to claim ignorance of the situation facing the land or the peoples they care for. In the United Kingdom, the current Prime Minister and those close, with whom he shares responsibility, have been given Creation’s most precious signs, that they might appreciate, all the more greatly the importance of preparing a stable environment for future generations. Further wonderful evidences have been made to the United Kingdom office so that the Prime Minister, as a secretary for the world made by man, would argue to a halt, globally genetic experimentations, nuclear experimentations, and all the unnecessary pollutions that are borne from out of alchemic workings, doing so by virtue of his powerful position, made all the more commanding by the insights afforded him. Other influential world leaders have also received from Creation divine communications. None could accuse the United Kingdom Prime Minister of forcing upon them lies. Yet, Creation is ignored; the divine gifts made over to important men remain unconsidered; the dirge of Earth continues. Despite what could be the leaders of humankind remain intent on following the destructive path; in spite of divine intervention, they remain ignorant, and do nothing. 13. Earth becomes materially malformed, thus spectrally transformed; the listeners advise of this, declaring the spectral adulteration as contaminating the human Spirit and also that of other Earth beings. The contaminating influence was originally atomic and therefore ingested into the mucrocosmic system from non carbon sources; the resultant degradation of the mucrocosm being disease of the flesh and of the blood with spectral change being confined to non conscious biological functions. More recently re-fissions of carbon, modifications of carbon bearing structures, and interference with natural carbon build have provoked serious spectral interference. The carbon-derived Spirit essential to the correct potential difference, necessary for ennoblement of Soul existence within a mucrocosmic form, becomes [symmetrically] dysfunctional. Mucrocosmic forms are thus subject to mind diffraction, that is to say the thinking processes of the greater number of Living Dying Earth bound creatures are being reprogrammed from out of normal and into abnormal modes of condition. The only result such transformations of being will give rise to are the demise, Death, and thus extinguishing of mucrocosms because astral/spectral diffraction, Soul/Spirit corruption, make impossible the viability of the form. All forms undergoing such energy interference will ultimately within a limited number of regenerations become disabled. 14. As the Dead force evacuates its chthonic tomb, drawn cyclically from out, it is always threatening to the Spectral - Death derived - Spirit which is welled in the structural (carbon) foundations of every mucrocosmic formation. The Dead cycle is the rhythm of the Earth; its pulsation takes several hundred years to effect, but it is none the less rhythmic. It is of longer frequency than the Death resonance, for example, which is the resonance the symbol of the serpent, as used by ancient cultures, alludes to. But, because it is a more powerful Anti Creation energy than Death it, spectrally, affects that states integrity many times more profoundly. A brief study of historical record will affirm that approximately every several hundred years there occurs powerful cultural upheaval in the affairs of mankind, clearly illustrating the Dead force affecting an abhorrent influence on human development; thus undermining mankind’s evolution, as, at regular, predictable intervals, it rises up in our midst The mid points between each trough being oppositely contrived. 15. What is different as regards this particular Dead peak is the atmospheric environment into which the Dead cycle is arrived. Earths ecology, and that of almost every mucrocosm upon it, is spectrally interfered; Death is alchemically altered, thus diffraction between the spectral and the [solar derived] astral fields is occurred. The abounding Dead force is virtually free to scourge Death, which in natural circumstances it would be unable to intercourse with. There is no better way of explaining this for surely it is so. If all were normal then what would be occurring in this time would be normal; the Earth would resonate with the third pulsation of a bi-millennial pattern coinciding with a solar pulsation radiating towards us from out of the Sun. The peaks of the matter generated Dead cycle would produce a naturally negative effect upon human beings, (which by lore they have attributed as devilish, dark, etc.) rather than the false madness witnessed of this time. More cycles...16. The solar cycle, heralding the new astronomical age, introduces into existence the new mucrocosm type, not just that of human beings but those of every species; an upgrading of consciousness occurring in the mind of all species. By lore these periods are described as “golden ages” the combined sound [resonation] of the Earth, and sound [resonation] of the Sun, alike two drums being struck in time; both contributing to an uplifting of conscious evolvement, and to some much less extent physical development. In these times, organic functions are mentally transformed, biological systems tuned more closely. Planet wide intelligence is moved forward. Simply put forms are conscience redefined. Negative conscious developments occur during the Dead only cycle, every several hundred years or so [six hundred and sixty six!]. In them days, the gains of the golden age are lost to some extent. For the past three bi-millennial epochs, ancient texts, resultant of conscious improvement acquired at the beginning of the current 25,000, year epoch, long guarded by [Earthly] listeners, by Avatars and by other Heavenly beings, alerted those who would hear to the cycles spoken of; thus the negative Earth cycles have not been allowed to thwart progress. Yet, continuously, human beings have failed to capitalise upon the conscious gains provided from out of the bi-millennial solar transmissions. Each successive transmission being further flouted by peoples ever more materially inclined, else, far removed from their original generation, ignorant of the event they go through. For the current transmission, there has never been a more disastrous response from our race. Indeed our reaction, borne out of our tainted world, enables Dead interference with the solar gift. 17. The American, Churchward, hypothesising as to the cause of continental submergence, as is believed to have befallen Atlantis that mid Atlantic continent mentioned by Plato, suggested that subterranean gases, rising from out of chthonic wells, caused that continent to subside and a subsequent rise in the levels of the Sea; an increase which gave rise to the flood epics recorded in human history [Gilgamesh, Noah’s Arc, etc]. Churchward was thinking along the correct lines. However what he referred to as gases were not gases as we understand them, rather those gases were in reality a force, cyclically occurring, as they do now in this day; peaking near the end of a greater cycle of almost twenty five millennia. That which Earth undergoes presently, the planet has endured many times before; for the 25,000 year period is a culminating peak of the Dead cycle mentioned previously. The finale you might call it; the final beat of the 12 bar rhythm. It is important to comprehend that the wave of the force I describe is as slow as 25,000 years in its fullness of completion, and that we are at the end of one of those 25,000-year periods at this very moment. This end period coincides with a ‘usual’ solar cycle of 2000 years duration. The greater solar cycle... the big one you might term it, occurs around every 144,000 years and is equally though differently destructive. 18. As explained the Dead force is a subterranean force, cyclically emitted from the chthonic condition it is restricted to, from whence it rises to Earths surface and therefore prevails within the atmosphere which Life, as Living and Death, as Dying depend upon for mucrocosmic existence. Human stupidity in respect of the negligent use of atomically explosive materials, a continuing error, has allowed the Dead and the Death forces a greater intercourse with the material fabric of this Earth than ever before possible during the biological era. The human race is charmed into a contrived exploration of Space, marauding of other planets, even into directing a carbon-carbon tipped rocket towards the Sun. This madness is scheduled for 2006 and heralds total destruction of this solar system. This is true. Those with the authority do nothing to prevent this lunatic science. Nor others like it, which alchemists introduced into the human experience; by deign of misguided regulation, the beguiling influence corrupted their sensibilities too. Indeed the most potent weapons of mass destruction upon Earth at this time are human beings who are out of control and yet occupy positions of Power. Because of their Dead’; enamoured statesmanship they abrasively brush aside their critics; they propagate Dead productions because they are unable to rationally measure the influence these inventions bring about. This situation is applicable to the most seemingly able of statesmen, as much as it is to the obvious dictators or corrupted regimes. Any leader of humankind prepared to unleash devastating weaponry or to sanction unnatural science or to covet unnecessary universal exploration is an enemy unto the survival of the race. The essential condition human beings must adopt, for their very survival, is one of absolute cultivation of non Earth polluting or threatening reason. The only factor able to assure human beings successful Earth co-existence in the future now being mapped is one wherein human beings seek always to nurture the natural Creation made environment and not that which the Anti Creation current insists upon imposing. This human race must accept the role Creation intended for their selves. The alternative, the nightmare produced out of alchemic practices and flouting of [the] natural laws and ways, guarantees only one outcome... destruction of the race, perhaps the Earth and, as is now threatened, the solar system itself. 19. This Earth will no longer accept contamination without major repercussions; some reactions are already becoming apparent. Other affecting symptoms, presently transparent, are almost ready to manifest; their materialization will tip the balance and the malfunction of the globe will be unstoppable. Believe this for it is so... human beings will not be returned to existence should Earth become corrupted unto destruction. Therefore, consider closely the men and women who are authority in these days. If they are not prepared to counter the deadly, negative force arising, by implementing the prevention of those adulterating factors, as proclaimed here-in, then those Men and Women are leading humanity unto physical and extra physical termination. Not a decline but a complete and total extinguishing. This is true. 20. The Christ, the solar cycle event which develops improved consciousness throughout the mucrocosmic entity, exhibited in man by the realisation that a different kind of being resides within the race, is now, by cycle occurring. The awareness that some extraordinary conscious change is taking place is apparent to a great number, this despite the intrusion of serious negative influences, which prevail due to spectral contaminations and astral deflections. The virulent proponents of alchemy, have, since ancient times, sought to destroy the Christ influence, unbeneficial to their purpose as that influence is; their purpose, to achieve physical immortality, requires a severance of the astral state within the mucrocosmic form they occupy. Alchemic productions have included the Creation of abhorrent forms whose memory persists in our mythologies, for example Vampires and Zombies. These creatures have existed; and may, otherwise formed, still do so. The certain thing is ancient and modern alchemic methods are combined in the vile products wrought out of recent scientific fabrications. It is fact that modern Governments fund experiments that are ancient in conception. They do this despite previous and present Christ warnings, carefully gifted to the human race; they do this regardless of the progressive, measurable, demise of Earth and Earthlings.