Philosophical Mood

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... The sun has gone, the earth is chill, my feet are as purple as the clouds above. The sea turns pink, the sky turns pink and blue is cast upon humanity. We do not reflect nature, but each other. We cast shoadows upon our own souls and portray the truth of our own weakness, unwillingly.
... We are so active, the earth so still, and who is wiser? I have not seen the change of many seasons and my pleasures are mostly temporary. Humankind continues to fight his own stupidity in a mindless attempt to perfect a skill that means nothing and counts for nothing. We strive for our betterment to what avail? There doesn't need to be a point - just another means of escaping boredom. Lose yourself in any mindless occupation. This I cannot do.
... Do not think for a minute such cynicism makes one wise. Or that depth of thought should elevate on man above another. The glory we seek is found in the most costliest of free gifts. For it is in service and sacrifice that we can reflect not each other, but the nature of our Maker.

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