
2 Conversations

Fresh meat for the grinder.

Meat is one of those substances that many, many, people enjoy consuming. Some say it's because it is primal, and it provides us with a link back to the days when we were primative hunters - catching and eating other animals in a vain attempt to try and stay alive. When we cut raw steaks and devour the bloody red meat we feel more at peace with our inner animal.

So why on EARTH, did someone think it would be a good idea to take the wonderful, large, juicy, satisfying lumps of meat and grind them down into itty-bitty pieces of rind?! The whole mince concept removes the best bits of the experience - there's no cutting! There's no chewing! There's no blood! There's no fun! Mince is a bad idea - if you have to eat your meat in such small doses then you must be bonkers... Just say no kids.

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