What is a threesome?

3 Conversations

The word threesome was originally used to describe an event, whereby three individuals were, or are, taking part collectively in the same event, pastime, or task. Today however, the term threesome has taken on an entirely sexual meaning, IE, three people having sex together.

The original use of the word threesome has been replaced by the word, Trio, this is a common word for three whilst in classical English the word quartet, would actually be quite acceptable as it is derived originally from ancient Greek language, followed through by Latin, and arrived in the English Language at some stage in it's history. It’s true meaning in ancient Greece was Fourth, or three and one, or more relevant to this subject, three with something in common, “the fourth, being the something in common being counted as an entity” The word only exists in this context today in a musical idyllic of three performers working together to produce an end product whilst the conductor is the fourth, or binding entity. With a sexual threesome, the fourth or binding entity would be your common interest in the act itself.

Popular opinion states that if you find yourself engaging in a threesome, more often than not, the ratio tends to be two females and one male but this is mainly based on here-say and possibly the monthly barrage of articles printed in so called, “Lad-Mags” (Magazines who’s audience is mainly the heterosexual male, age 18-30) The truth however appears to be very different. Some on-line surveys suggest that most couples over the age of thirty would consider the concept of a threesome to “spice up” their sex lives, but most individuals (both male and female) would prefer a member of the same sex to join them, IE: if you are a male, you would prefer another male to join you, and your partner for a sexual encounter. Which suggests that jealousy is the sexual driver (Turn on) and not personal pleasure, Freud also suggests this many times in his works. Whilst on the other hand, most couples who expressed a consideration for a threesome also stated that the third party would have to be a close friend, or at least someone they would consider becoming close friends with IE: a work colleague or, friend of a friend ETC. This suggests that the sexual act of a threesome is purely goodwill and a gesture of welcoming an individual into what we would now call our circle, (otherwise known as tribe) this practise is still carried out today in many African tribes and was the norm for Eskimos until they became part of the western world. Both scenario’s would prove difficult to achieve having considered the likelihood of a couple agreeing on which kind of threesome to have, then, approaching the third party, and finally agreeing to go ahead with all party’s happy is something of a long shot to say the least. However it does happen.

The most common groups of people to experience a threesomes are homosexual and single heterosexual people under the age of 25, this is predominately due to the fact that both of these groups of people tend to congregate in a social mass on a regular basis, and come into contact with each other so regularly that they seem to feel that sexual sharing is perfectly normal and, part of expressing yourself sexually. Of course, homosexual people have single sex threesomes, whilst heterosexual people encounter one of one sex, performing and receiving sexual activity from the other two, whilst the other two of the other sex perform and receive on the one. Or so you would imagine. It is becoming more common now for people under the age of 25 to experiment with their own sexuality during threesomes by way of interacting sexually with the other member of their own sex just as much as the member of the opposite sex in the group, let’s face it we all think we invented sex and once again this is nothing new. The ancient Romans practised this kind of threesome, as did the Greeks and the Turkish, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that having a sexual threesomes is just simply part of our DNA, look at Dolphins and chimpanzees, both of whom are very close relatives of our species, both socialise sexually in groups. Could this be an evolutionary key as to why so many people throughout the world today and in the past get (or got) so much pleasure out of threesomes, we simply don’t know. But what we do know is that, for most people anyway, it will cross your mind at the very least at some stage of your life. Most people will do nothing about these urges. Some will harbour fantasies about having a threesome. Some people will actively seek to fulfil their needs. And some people will never come across the need or desire to have a threesome. But for some people it becomes a burning desire.

The end result of any threesome completely relies on the people who have engaged in their own act, and, how they feel after the event, according “once again, to online surveys” most people get great gratification from experiencing a threesome, there is however a downside. Most articles printed by women’s “popular magazines” tend to have a negative slant on threesomes, depicting them as a male enforced manifestation of lust and force, which, if you consider the facts, is nothing more than a response to the lad mag articles earlier mentioned, whatever you read about threesomes you can guarantee, be it in the press, or a magazine, it’s either. A. A complete fabrication. B. A response to complete fabrication. Or, C. a personal opinion on the subject. All three options can be quite dangerous, in that, they can all obscure your view of what a threesome is.

There are however some considerations to take into account, such as, sexual health. As with all casual sex this is paramount. Another consideration to take into account is, are all three members of the party happy with their role and also do they understand what their role Is? If everybody is happy, there is no reason why it should not be a pleasurable experience for all involved, there are also rules to follow IE: Don’t pay one person more attention than the other, also don’t try and dominate proceedings if you are one of the two same sex individuals to name but two, all of which suggest that far from being a one off alcohol or drug induced free for all, more often than not threesomes tend to well thought out and planned in advance, as opposed to what hear, and or, read about.

Research also shows that having a threesome is a very complex thing to experience and although some people do regret it after the event, this is usually traceable to the event itself IE: there may have been misunderstandings regarding one of the participants role, or one o the participants perhaps tried to cross a sexual boundary in some way causing a negative feel to the event, rather than it being a problem with the ideology of threesomes. The truth is however, that long into the past people have been having threesomes, and as long as our species continues to thrive, we will also continue to not only fantasies, but also act out the scenario. In the end individuals will decide for themselves if they would like to cross this sexual boundary not outside influences.


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