Rochdale, Greater Manchester (UK)

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Rochdale is an old mill town of the industrial revolution and life stopped there.

The football team spends every season fighting to avoid relegation out of the football league. This has only just started to change as with there 40 something’s are pushing for a playoff place, but when in 7th place and in the playoff zone they play bottom half of the table Layton Orient at home and get slaughtered 4-1.

The nightlife is not much better there are no concert venues, unless you go into Manchester or Todmadon (Yorkshire). Through if the council wanted they could quite easily convert an old CO-OP furniture and household ware shop, which is next to the cinema and a big night-club. There is a McDonalds and a Pizza Hut. Unfortunately most of our councillors are 60+ and their taste of music would not suit the taste of those who would use the concert facilities.

Our two biggest claims to fame are our Grace (Fields) and the CO-OP. These two pull in more tourists then Blackpool tower! NOT!

Shopping well if you are female this could your dream town. Us men only have Burton’s, Famous Army Stores, D2, Jeanster and local shop Stolen From Ivan for the male population to buy cloths from. Where as the female population has half a dozen more shops as well as half of those listed above.

If you have any sense do not come to Rochdale, go some where else like Rochdale’s arch rival Bury!

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