When the world was pink....men didnt wear it

1 Conversation

Times have changed and empires have risen and fallen. Even the roman empire expanded and contracted, and the modern world is no different. Even two thousand years into the future the roman empire can be felt throughout the old world and its influences are seen in the new.

however there is no such thing as the roman empire, anymore.

But this is not about the roman empire. Its not repairable and has faded into history. the most recent empire in history was the great British empire, the largest in the world spanning across over a quarter of the worlds surface at our zenith. until the world wars and a few blundering politicians came along, we were the real world super power, using our resources to fund the sciences, exploration and culture and the world benefited greatly from this.

now look at the world since the decline of the empire. england, scotland and wales have slowly devolved. we have elected tony blair and become a weak European state instead of the seat of power of an empire. our royal family is mocked in the news openly without charges of treason bought. I am here to put to everyone that it is essential to the well being of humans, and then, the galaxy, that the new British empire (NBE) is formed through political alliances and even reconquest if needed.

look at it like this, everyone says the world has become a worse place since the 60's, what’s the major thing that happened in the 60s? the dismantling of the empire and Americanisation. with us as the leaders in the world and our greatest minds pulled to the forefront over cheap celebrities and pop stars we will pull the world out of chaos, to the beat of the grenadiers drum and most of all, with the union jack flying aloft we will venture fourth into the universe.

god save the queen!

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