st andrews

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St Andrews is a small historic town on the east coast of Scotland. It is the home of golf, attracting many rich golfers in odd looking clothing. The university is the oldest in Scotland, third oldest in Britain after Oxford and Cambridge. Because of this the university attracts a large number of students who failed to get into one of these. Hence the abundance of tweed prevalent in the town.

For the tourist there are many sites of historical interest to visit, such as the castle, cathedral, well that's about it really. After about an hour in st andrews it is possible to have seen all there is to be seen and to have done all there is to be done. Which brings us to the glue that holds st andrews together and prevents everyone from going quite insane, the pubs.

  • The Cellar Bar - A very cool little pub underneath Aikmans which always has three different real ales on tap which are changed weekly. It also holds a pop quiz on a thursday evening which is fun even when your musical knowledge is almost zero.

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