The New Religions of the Millennium

3 Conversations

There are so many religions that exist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim etc. but these are old. You would not think it but there are new religions being created everyday, oh yes they are neither large nor famous but they are there. Most have been constructed by the amazing thoughts of people when the think about the question "Is there a God or not?" which spreads through our minds like a highly contagious infection. People all over the world think about how we came about, why things happen and does it all matter; so much that there are thousands, possibly millions of theories to answer this.

The good thing about this question is that no answer to it is stupid or not to be taken seriously. Any theory by anyone could be correct, we don't 'know' we just believe.

Below are some examples of religions that I have discovered, some are by me and some are not. (I'm not saying which are by me though)

Bobtheism - This religion was thought up by a boy, who was bored to death by his RE teachers ramblings about the existence of a God. The basic concept is that a massive Cat called Bob made the world and universe. (Although this was made as a joke at first some of its beliefs can be related to real life.) On the first day Bob made Life, the universe and everything and on the other 6 days he slept on a cuisine, then he left the universe in order to construct another.
The ancient Egyptians believed Cats where holy and mummified them like people, if the cat is more scared than other animals then get stroking. I think the Egyptians would of like this religion.

Battery Farm - This is not really a religion but a theory. A very long time ago there was a alien race who owned a huge galactic empire but they had the same problems as many great rulers, Food. Their people were hungry, even starving, so the Aliens built a huge Battery Farm (Like chicken battery farms on Earth) in space and placed many different creatures on it. They then left the creatures to reproduce and evolve, planning to return in a few hundred years to collect their food. But something went wrong and the Battery Farm was left, the ape like creatures evolved into us and if the aliens come they won't be expecting the technology will have created.

Bombardment - This theory explains the creation of our solar system. The galaxy was formed from some big bang or what ever but it only consisted of gas and stars. There was a powerful sun in a solar system,it's gravitational field was very strong and the near by gas particles were forced to orbit it. One day a near by star which was much larger than the one in the solar system exploded, the dense matter inside it was smashed into millions of pieces and was carried along the shock wave produced by the explosion. The gas clouds surrounding the sun in the solar system were bombarded by the smashed dense matter of the star and after a long time of bombardment, the gas clouds were no more, there were planets in their place!

You may laugh at these theories but they could be true. One thing that many people who come up with theories hate is the attitude the established religions take. Christians, Hindus, what ever one you want.Many members of these religions laugh at the theories though up but why, these theories are just as likely to be correct as their religions, so why laugh? :-(

Take the Greek story about how a god in a chariot flew across the sky carrying the Sun. At the time this was strongly believed but now we know that it's a load of dingo's kidneys. In thousands of years from now people may laugh at todays beliefs. See my point?

"Think before you link"

Author's Note: I hope this article gets approved and there is a massive forum debate about it. :-)

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