Talking Point: Forgotten Movies

54 Conversations

A strip of film over a cannister.

Here at h2g2 we're quite unapologetic about our love of the movies (apart perhaps from the cost of popcorn). Everyone's got their own personal favourite films - indeed, whenever surveys of people's favourite films are published, you can more or less guarantee that the same usual suspects often show up.

That, however, is not what we're interested in. Everybody knows just how fantastic the Star Wars films are, or exactly the level of genius shown in Taxi Driver or The Godfather. Movies such as The Shawshank Redemption were almost forgotten on their first cinema release but have since become firm favourites with audiences all around the world. In this week's Talking Point, we want you to share with us your absolute favourite films and moments from films that aren't very well known.

We're looking for:

  • Movies that slipped under the radar

  • Once-great classics that for some reason have been missed by subsequent generations.

  • Under-rated directors and their greatest work

  • Films that fall into the 'so bad they're good' category

Share with us the magic of the movies and talk about the lesser-known films you couldn't bear to be without.

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