General Owl Information

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Most owls are nocturnal. They are raptors and so they hunt and kill other animals to feed. Owls are part of a group of birds called Strigiformes (pronounced STRIG-ih-forms). There are two families of Strigiformes, Tytonidae (pronounced ty-TON-ih-dee)andStrigidae (pronounced STRIG-ih-dee). Tytonidae includes Barn Owls, who have a heart shaped face. Strigidae includes all other owls most of whom have round faces.
All owls are predatory but not all are carnivores. Some of the smaller owl species, such the Falmmulated Owls, eat mainly insects. Owls spend most of their lives hunting for food and are well adapted. There are several owl hunting techniques. One way is Perch and Pounce. The owl perchs until they see their victim, then they swoop down on it. Most owls that hunt in open areas Hover over their prey until they are ready to capture it. Quartering flight is when the owl searchs for prey while flying. Burrowing Owls run to catch their prey. In general all owls hunt close to the ground so that they can hear and see better.
Owls are able to see during the day. Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl hunts in broad daylight. Some species of owls have eyes larger than humans. Human and owl eyes contain light sensitive cells called Rods and Cones. Rods are for seeing in dim light, where as Cones are for seeing in color. An owls eye is packed full of Rods so that they can see in the dark. What we see in color would be black and white for an owl though because owls have very few Cones.

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