Why Muslim's do not follow the Bible

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It's the middle of Summer 2004, the sun is beating down at a steady 22 degrees C, as a white man pulls to a stop on his cycle, out side an Exhibition centre. He passes his hand through his ruffled light brown hair and enters through the door. To his left is a counter and Brother Akhtar. "As salaam alaikum brother Adib" he says holding out his hand. "Va Alaikum salaam brother" the reply comes as they shake hands. The white man moves through the doors at the back of the room and turns on his computer. After making a quick cup of tea he sits down and begins to check his e mails.
15 messages blink away at him on the screen, he begins to read...

... After reading he sits back discruntled, 6 messages from Christian missionarys trying to convert him to a Christian. Suddenly with unseen inspiration he aims the mouse at the address bar and soon is typing on H2G2...


The Bible is the Holy book of the Christian faith. It is believed to be the inspired word of the Holy Ghost, one of the three aspects that make up the trinity of God in Christianity. The Bile is not actually just one book, it is rather a collection of 66 books, 73 for the Roman Catholic Bible, by various authers throughout History.
The Bible was not written or finished within the life time of Jesus.


When ever there is a court case of some kind, the first thing done is to identify the witness. Know the only witness for the Bible being from God is God and the Bible its self. As God can not be put on the stand then this proof of divinship must be found within the Bible.
the only problem with that is that the Bible can not identify its self, as even though the bible is called the bible, the word bible is not in the Bible. Nor does the bible say its from God.

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