uncle mungojerries uses for cereal boxes

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Dont know what to do with your empty cereal boxes? as you all should know cereal boxes are made out of non biodegradable material and therefore should be kept around the house, that is if you are nature concientious.
And as the government fat cats will not tell us how to safely get rid of our empty frosties/cornflakes/wheetos etc containers, we must, for the good of mother earth, use our noggins and put these menaces to good use.

The following are a few of uncle mungojerries top tips.

1)you never know when the plug in your bath will jam, keep cereal boxes beside the bath tub to bail yourself out.

2)make a castle out of cereal boxes to amuse your children, or yourself.

3)fill them with flour and throw them at cars (but remember to pick he boxes back up and take them home for later use)

4)cut a square in the front and draw pictures onto a toilet roll a new and diferent picture on each square preferably as part of a interlinked story and put the roll into the bock then attach a hamster onto the loose end and allow it to roam free it will pull the loo roll and the story you drew onto the lav paper will unfold before your eyes a cheap and cheerful television substitute.

5)link boxes together and make a hamster house.

6) use the boxes to make your self into a bionic human like steve powers (or whatever the 6 million dollar man was) and run in slow motion whilst making a "chuka chuka chuka chuka chuka" noise

7) **assasins and hitmen** use the cereal boxes to conceal your gun when walking through a crowded building no one whill question why you have your hand stuck inside a cereal box theyl just assume your "another kellogs crunchy nut"

any more suggetions please contribute....

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