BDSM Erotic Poem

2 Conversations

smiley - spaceTo thrilled at the touch of leather,
smiley - spacearoused by the sound of harsh words,
smiley - spaceor satisfied by the security of rigid bondage
smiley - spaceis the mark of a lover.

smiley - spaceTo be thrilled at the opportunity
smiley - spaceto provide useful service,
smiley - spacearoused by a pleased nod
smiley - spaceand satisfied by the proverbial
smiley - spacejob well done,
smiley - spaceis the mark of a slave.

smiley - spaceIt may sound severe.
smiley - spaceAlmost anti-erotic.
smiley - spaceUntil you see two people,
smiley - spaceowner and owned,
smiley - spaceexisting in a complementary
smiley - spacerelationship where each
smiley - spacesuits the other like
smiley - spacebalances on a delicate scale.

smiley - spaceAnon

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