Cats - Domestic

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Cats are a species so advanced that they have the ability to controll humans

So you thought it was only only dolphins and mice that are more in telligent that humans well I believe that cats are in that category too.

For one they have, ove many thousands of years, managed to get us to build homes that are centrally heated, southerly facing and full of mice for them to live in. They have in a sance managed to get out of the bother of having to make a home themselves. The donot need to get cold or bother to look for food and if they want to go out thay just look at us, pretty darn cleaver really.

Of course there is not only this but also the fact that they have made us supply them with food - on demand! If they are fealing peccish the dn't need to worry themselves with cooking or the like, just look a one of us with big eyes and a soppy expression and we'll go running.

This expression, well there whole range of expressions, have been selected over many years as they test each one to see which evoke a reaction - keeping and upgrading them - and getting reid of the ones that dont. These expressions include the big 'arn't I sweet' eyes, small 'I haven't been fed in ages' eyes, blink or wink, half harted 'Oh the wowe' meow and so on. This included with the many actions including staring intently at us juring the news, standing in the doorway with only one eye looking at us, purring against our legs, running to their food bowl as soon as we get up, siting on our laps - yep just a ploy - and of course trying to con as many peoplke as possible at once. Every action is taloyred to each individual human depending on thair responces.

They do no appricable work jsut sleep, eat, sleep, go out, sleep, have a nap, sleep, eat, sleeep, sleep, lye in the sun and sleep, go to a bed and sllep and at the end of the day, sleep!

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