Ideas for Guide Entries

2 Conversations


Acronyms and Mnemonics: "I didn't know there was such things as mnemonics, until I found your PR thread after reading the post in your journal.

justathought>There's probably a lot of people who find those three confusing it might be useful for someone to do a Guide Entry, on the difference between an abbreviation, an acronym and a mnemonic. As far as I know there is not already a similar Edited Entry, and if such an Entry was written, the author could use some of their favourite abbreviations, acronyms and mnemonics as examples.
justathought> Emmily".

Note. Such an Entry was started at A885224


Aphrodisiacs (title: Chemical Aphrodisiacs, to distinguish it from Galaxy Babe's Entry).Pumpkin nuts, oysters (contain NMDA - N-methyl-D-aspartate and D-asp[artic acid, which have been shown to stimulate release of testosterone and oestrogen, which are kewy to stimulating sexual desire and performance), dark chocolate (contains phenylethylamine) asparagus (rich in Vit E, necessary to keep our bits and bobs in working order) Spanish fly, Viagra, PT-141 (the 'first pharmacological aphrodisiac' because it stimulates pleasure chemicals. Developed originally as an artificial suntan drug, found to have highly desirable side-effect of causing extreme sexual arousal in both men and women) alcohol ('provokes the desire but takes away the performance' - Macbeth Major effect is to dull sensitivity and reduce social inhibitions. But in excess ....

Autumn Colours (Chemistry of...)

Chough (red-billed) Rarest of corvid in GB, but gradually creeping SE-wards back into England (Countryfile, 12/03/06)

Britain's V-Bomber Force. (In preparation).

Concrete (update A158609).

Chemistry (nature of...).

Christmas Entries

Boars Head Carol (oldest Christmas carol)

Cranberry jelly

Cornelius Drebbell,

Garlic - its use in medicine (i.e. update A474374 and A241994, 'A Chronology of Garlic'

George Cayley,


Human Papilloma Virus/Cervical Cancer

J.A. Hunter (Commissioned byBritish administration in Nairobi, in 1940's to clear all the black rhinos from a 50000 acre of Kenya that was earmarked for resettlement by the Akamba tribe. Source: 'My Rhinoce-Race'. Michael Hanlon. Science Editor, Daily Mail 31/07/04).

Joseph (Who was he - synonymous with the mummy, Yuyu?)

Light/Sight. To complement (fill in the gaps in)my Entries on History of Optical Lenses, Camera obscura and Hell's Entry on History of Optical Science). Mention Impedicles, who thought that light sent out rays to object being looked at, Euclid, Bacon, Newton/Descartes rivalry.)

Ladybirds ('Our Lady's Birds' after The Virgin Mary who was often depicted wearing red).

Limelight (First use, Theatre Royal Drury Lane. 40 x brighter than gas light. An hour or so before show, could see people walking down the road carrying bags of gas. Dangerous if bump into s'one smoking a pipe/cigar!). Gurney lamp

Lucy, St. Patron Saint of Blind. 'Lucid'. Nursery Rhyme. Feast Day, Dec 13

Magnets, Magnetotherapy (Sixth Sense, Cleopatra)

Midgley, Thomas (Tetraethyl lead, CFCs

Minerals identification,

Miracles (Scientific explanation)

Molybdenum (Element 42)

Moses (Who was he?)

Newton, Sir Isaac (update 2 existing unedited GE's)

Occam's Razor (update existing unedited GE)

Plastics (update A264313)


Royal Observer Corps

Spoonerisms (some kind of organised list - already 2 rather old entries on h2g2, which could be combined/edited). Can be used for comic effect in jokes, when words are mentally juxtaposed and so the punchline needn't be verbalised, e.g. What's the difference between a marksman and a bird of prey? Answer: "Well, one shoots and hits..."

Suntan oils (sun tan factors),

Probiotic drinks (clostridium spp/autism)

Sonorous sand (Studland)


Zimbabwe ('House of Stone')

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