
1 Conversation

Where am I? Where should I be going next? Where was I before hand?

These may well be the rantings of an insane lunatic, or they may well be the concerned mutterings of someone who has lost their place in a book.

Book-marking can be achieved in a number of different ways. You may well choose to turn over the corner of the page you are reading - but this may cause unwanted creases on your lovely new book.

Instead you may find an item to put in the book : An old leaflet an instruction booklet from a CD case, the Times Crossword puzzle that you only cut out last night and have only managed to half finish... I could go on.

If you are particularly so motivated, you may go out of your way to get a purpose made bookmark. These can be free, give-away items, though if you are so financially motivated you could part with a number of monatary tokens in exchange for a particularly posh bookmark.

As far as books are concerned that pretty much wraps that up. However the term book-marking is not limited to the field of books. With the advent of the internet, with so many places to visit and read, that it is very easy to get lost. To assist with finding your way around it is possible to add a particular website to your "favourites" list.

Once a website has been added to your favourites list, you can then return time and time again, assuming the website decides to stay open. Though if you return to a site and it is no longer open - don't take it personally. Though if you want to be sure that they aren't just hiding from you you could check behind the curtains, unfortunately curtains are not a standard feature of computers these days (despite the constant mention of Windows), and so if they're not there they're probably down the pub.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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