Gnomon's 'h2g2 Meets I've attended' page
Created | Updated Oct 21, 2019
Official London Meet, Summer 2002 (20 July 2002)
With Azara. We met up at the bandstand in Hyde Park and then someone, probably Abi, led us to a spot over on the south side in sight of the Albert Memorial, where people played softball and we all sat around and chatted.
Met Also Ran, Hoovooloo (now SoRB), Anna, Mina.
Then went to the Leicester Arms, a pub just north of Picadilly Circus, where we had a room upstairs booked. I ended up sitting at a table with Bossel, Trillian's Child and Zarquon's Singing Fish. There was a quiz.
For some reason my photos of this are dated Thursday 18th. The Meet definitely took place on a Saturday.
Official London Meet, Winter 2003 (25-Jan-2003)
Assembled at Somerset House. Abi gave us a guided tour around the Temple area of London, this ended at the Shakespeare's Head, where non-tour members had assembled.
Then we all headed to the 'Penderel's Oak' pub somewhere nearby, where we had booked the downstairs room.
Official London Meet, Summer 2003 (28 June 2003)
With Azara.
Once again, softball in Hyde Park, followed by an evening in the pub: the Penderel's Oak.
Irish Meet, 2003
Saturday 22 November 2003
London Meet, Winter 2004 (10-Jan-2004)
With Azara.
Science Museum.
Then we all headed to the Penderel's Oak.
London Meet, Winter 2005 (9-Jan-2005)
With Azara. Met up in front of the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square and went on a tour of the building. Lunch in a crypt under St Martin's in the Fields.
Evening get together - Bell Book and Candle, near St Paul's.
London Meet, Autumn 2006 (26-Oct-2006)
With Azara.
This was the first of the Autumn/Spring series, and followed on just a few months after the last of the Winter/Summer series. As a result, very few people attended.
MMF took us on a trip around the London Wetlands Centre. Met Wilma there but she had to go. Then we headed into Central London where we met up in the Shakespeare's Head pub for a very small party.
London Meet, Spring 2008
Met B'Elana, lil, Vicki Virago, h5Ringer for first time, as well as the usuals: GB, Wilma, Bald Bloke.
Chaotic trip to British Museum. Pub: Shakespeare's Head. Trip with B'Elana on Sunday morning to Victoria and Albert Museum.
Hull Meet 2008 (12,13 July 2008)
Met Moonhogg, Jimcracker, TB Falsename, Prof Chaos, Straight Talker (ST), Scorpio Witch for first time. On the Sunday, wandered around the docks and quayside area of Hull.
Hull Meet 2009, (25-26 July 2009)
Almost an exact replay of the 2008 meet, with many of the same people there. New to the fray was Wand'rin Star, who I had met previously in Dublin, but not at a meet. On the Sunday, went to The Deep.
Mannheim, 24-25 April 2010
London, 14 May 2011
MMF's tour around Trafalgar Square and down the Strand. The Shakespeare's Head. Met paulh, TRiG, Hati, Minichessemouse for first time as well as a few other people. Visit to Queen's Gallery with Bel , TRig and SuperFrenchie on Sunday, followed by visit to Greenwich with TRig and SuperFrenchie.