I have just survived my first Ofsted Inspection. A thoroughly unsatiafactory experience that reminded me a bit of when I got married - not that my marriage is unsatisfactory, indeed my wife is ... well I could pursue this further, but it is not the right time or place! What I mean is that the Ofsted week brought back memories of preparing for the wedding day. Hectic and fraught months were spent getting ready for what was to be one of the most important days (or weeks in Ofsteds' case)of my - so far - young life. Everything had to be just right - policies, lesson plans, uniform (students not staff), even some of the deputies were encouraged to come out of their offices to be seen around the school (much like long lost relatives who are brought out to attend the wedding, and whom you have not seen since you were a babe in arms). The inspector was an interesting creature who managed to instill a feeling of total insecurity as you never knew when they would turn up. Like hoping that a great aunt invited to the wedding - known for upsetting the other side of the family at the first opportunity - would not do something to spoil the day, so it was with teaching the bottom set Year 10 class of nutters and the Inspector. Feelings of butterflies in the stomach are common to both events, as is the total inability to remember all of what actually happened afterwards. All this is incidental, the thing that Ofsted reminded me most about getting married was that so much attention was focused on the event itself and not on what would follow later. There was going to be life afterwards - it was a vague sort of knowledge but nothing really ......planned. Hence, in week after the great event (Ofsted) the major feeling has to be one of mild disappointment as life returns to normal. Of course there were presents to open after the honeymoon and pictures to choose for the album. In much the same way Ofsted left behind things to remember what happened - for preference I would have liked another steam iron to the extra pile of paperwork that was handed to me. On the other hand, life after marriage just gets better - perhaps this will also be true for life post-inspection?? Still, after all that happened during that week I have to ask is there a better way to do it? If Ofsted were one half of a marriage (and schools the other half) I wonder how long the relationship would last? Would the "couple" still be talking to each other, or would each side be talking to their lawyers? Having been through the process once I think two things would be certain. First I'd imagine Ofsteds' partner wondering if the whole thing was worth the bother. Secondly I think the partner would have done better to have taken the money spent on the entire thing and run.
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