Doctor Who: Battleground of Time

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Doctor Who: Battleground of Time is the first motion picture project of Associated Artist Group. (Please see the entry Associated Artist Group by Ford_H_Prefect for a history of AAG).

Doctor Who:BGOT is a fan-made Doctor Who film. The film started work in the script writing stages in September 1998, and began filming February 1999. Filming continued over the summer of 1999, and finally ended in November. Post-production continued well into the early parts of 2000.

Doctor Who:BGOT's story is set a year or so after Doctor Who's final story (SURVIVAL). It is the story of the Eighth Doctor's battle against the renegade evil Time Lord Zanph. The movie is in three 'segments' each with a slightly seperate storyline, but all linked by the master plot. Familliar characters from the BBC Doctor Who include the Master, and the Chancellor of Gallifrey.

Written by Clive_Z_Bishop, the film took months to write and script edit. Produced by Claud Boydea. The film stars: Clive Bishop, Claud Boydea, Elizabeth B, Aymie B, Actress 78, Mrs. F, and Bathail Kleneth.

Most of this cast will transfer over to AAG's next project, and audio version of the HITCHHIKER books.

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