Created | Updated Jul 3, 2004
As a matter of fact humans living on earth crave to be blessed with these : Health, Money, Home, Fun, peace of mind and so on.
Whereas in this strange world due to certain myterious reasons they are not freely or easily achievable by each and every individual.
And for that he/she has to 'Meet Challenges' and 'Accept Struggles' of life.
This sort of positive moves of life to live lively 'Creative Living Spirit' is the need of all the times.
For that he/she needs to care for social, economical, political, educational, environmental matters of the community, nation and world as well that are the professional activities of the one 'WHO MAY RULE BETTER?'.
Choosing, selectiong, electing the exact desiring and deserving ones for ruling the rest of us, is the topmost chief activities of the individual to be careful and cautious while doing so.