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The Basics

Gobstoppers are a candy created by the fiendish minds of Nestle Chocolate inc. in conjuntion with the American Dental Association. The candy is in fact a normal run of the mill Jawbreaker, so named because of the specific hardness of the candy and the resulting damage it will do to your jaw if you just bite down on a fresh one. An interesting fact about the Gobstopper/Jawbreaker is the fact that it changes color as the candy is sucked on.

The Facts

1. Jawbreakers and Gobstoppers are one in the same.

2. When Fresh out of the box they are IMPOSSIBLY hard1...Something the equivalent to Diamonds

3. Realtively Cheap in price...(offsets the resulting dental bill)

4. Addictive as hell

5. Colorful

6. Choking Hazard2 for small children

1 This is no joke. Eat these candies with care. They can do serious damage to your teeth.2Some adults may be prone to choking on these as well. Exercise caution!

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