Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

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The fate of Middle-earth hangs in the balance as the end to the greatest trilogy ever to hit the big screen explodes in Return of the King. With epic battle scenes, breath taking moments, a driving story line, edge of your seat action, and jaw dropping special effects, Return of the King is hands down the greatest movie of all time past, present, and future.

ROTK follows the paths of Frodo and Sam continued mission to destroy the ring, Aragorn's fate to claim the throne of Gondor, and Gandalf's diligence to save the world of men. Along the way the characters are faced with betrayal, despair, and death. Yet each are unwilling to give up hope, even if it means marching to your own end to give a "fool's hope" a chance. Gimli comes through with some much needed comic relief to ease the tension. Legolas continues to awe us with jaw dropping stunts.

The movie begins a little slow, describing how Smeagol came to possess the ring and his slow demise into Gollum. But soon, the action begins and does not end until the destruction of the ring. The main battle is the single largest battle scene ever to be filmed. Imagine the battle of Helm's Deep and amplify that by one hundred, add giant oliphants, trolls, 10,000 horsemen, and an army of ghosts. It truly is magnificent.

Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam's friendship is put to the test as Gollum continues to poison the mind of Frodo. Frodo, corrupted by the ring, begins to accuse Sam of stealing it and sends Sam away. He, swearing an oath to protect him, stays after him, fight off a giant spider and storming a citadel full of orcs all to save his friend. And then, on the side of Mt. Doom, carries Frodo the last leg of the journey.

You will laugh, cry, and just enjoy the movie. Yet, every rose has its thorn. This one comes at the end. Peter Jackson decided to test the viewers patience and put in eight different endings. You sit at the edge of your seat, the screen goes blank, you just about get up and then, more movie. Eight times does this happen. When the movie does end, you sit thinking, how can you end it here? Why not two scenes ago? That was a good spot to stop.

When finally, after 3 hours and 30 minutes, the movie ended, you sit there and feel sad. The trilogy you wait all year to see is over. Now, there is no legitimate reason to go to the movies. What happens next year when this movie will not be waiting for you? You halfway expect that another movie will soon follow. It doesn't.

All in all I challenge you to find a better movie. I dare you to compare it to other movies and say it is inferior. There isn't a movie out there that has kept me waiting, has kept my mouth watering, has given me a reason to wait in line for hours just to get my ticket, or made me this sad when at last I have seen it knowing it is over.

The Return of the King is a true epic, a true classic. A movie that will be remembered for generations to come. The trilogy is the Star Wars of our time. The greatest trilogy of all time. <smiley>

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