A great execution of what looked to be another bland action flick. This had a well thought out and thorough plot that will make you think, you might even have to watch it again to see the things that one might not pick up on the first time. The back story on the creatures was intriguing and there actually needs to be more of this movie. The action was well used and not overdone, as were the CG effects. And the writers did a very good job creating a whole new spin on vampires and werewolves. The movie starts out by introducing the raging war between three houses of vampires and the licans (werewolves). Almost immediately after that you are hurled into a battle between the two factions as it takes place in a populated subway. The darkness and gothic subcultures are almost reminiscent of the world of The Matrix. There's a lot of leather and even more black. A multitude of the scenes are carried out in shadowy places and subterranean areas, this makes for a great effect in this movie.
It also helps to know that there will be a sequel to this movie, at least one. Which enhances the story some. The mesh of werewolves and vampires almost makes you think of the olden days when people actually reported this kind of stuff on a normal basis. The flash backs are very creepy and mysterious which add to the plot of this movie.
I am a vampire move/show fan—having watched anything I can find with them in it and I would have to say, this is a must see for any fan of the genre. And if you like good clean cut actions its got that too. The romance isn't so heavy that it hurts things, matter of a fact the plot could have completely done without it. But this is definitely worth the watch.
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