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This production company had been in exestance for about 300 Mercurian years. (For you space buffs, that's about three years earth time) Their credits include productions such as: "Dr Who - Battlegroung of Time", "HHGTTG - Audio Breif", and "HHGTTG - actual personage recording". In literary works they have produced well over 50+ books, most of them having been writen by Clive Bishop. Other writers being Claude Boydea, and C. K. Although they are bassed out of the Bay Area, that had not stoped some of the production flaws that must be admitted to. The only major one was bringing actress 78 onto the WHO project. Editing capabilities include: Adobe After-Efects, Adobe Premire, Adobe Photoshop, Ultimatte, Arnold's MIDI Player, Apple MIDI Player, Real Player G2, and other small licence softwares. Founded by Clive Bishop, circ. 1994. Head of production, editing, technical, et cetera, Claude Boydea, inact. 1997. Software provider, Bathail Kleneth, opper. 1997. Acting talents of cuttent staff (as of March, 2000) Pete K., C. K., Aymie B., Elizabeth B., Actress 78, Miss F., and Boydea, Kleneth, and Bishop. E-mail contacts to be routed: [email protected], C.O. "H2G2 Interest"

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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