Buying a Fruit Juice Drink on Ursa Minor Beta for less than 30 Altairian Dollars

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A fruit juice in a<br/>
Ursa Minor Beta is a rich planet with an odd diurnal anomaly. It consists of three "zones", the Daylight Zone, the Evening Zone and the Night Out Zone. Living on this planet is incredibly expensive and buying a juice drink in any of the three zones is often likely to cost you more than sixty Altairian dollars. The Guide has managed to find a way for you to grab a drink for less than thirty Altairian Dollars a day and here is their secret:
In the Daylight Zone
The Daylight Zone is characterized by its time anomaly that keeps it forever locked in a Saturday Afternoon. The Megacoconut palms that line the beaches will sing to you in the heat and will uncover their fruit from hiding (the Megacoconut palm or Nemus Parcius was the first of the palm trees to evolve a brain. Three millenia of having its fruits picked by the herbivorous Ultra-Sonic Micro Ostritch of Vitropan V have given it a deep fear of motion and it will hide its fruit under curled, spiked leaves for most of the day; only unfolding them to photosynthesize.) to lap up the midday sun. his is you chance. Walk up to one* and drill into the hard husk of the mega coconut to drain the milk into your glass. Add ice, drink and enjoy. The Guide would like to warn you that such an act is considered vandalism of public property and carries a twenty-five Altairian Dollar fine.
In the Evening Zone
This side of Ursa Minor Beta is constantly in evenings. This has caused a surprisingly large number of restaurants and bistros* to eat in. The drinks here are more expensive than in any other zone. Costing a full ninety Altairian Dollars for a glass of lemon juice but fear not because this makes your search for a drink that much easier! Simply walk all the way into one of the other zones (this may take a while so hitch a ride) and use those methods instead.
In the Night Out Zone
Here, of all places drink is cheap. Non-alcoholic drink is not however. To get a fruit juice take an alcoholic drink that contains fruit juice and pass it through the bark of the alcoholic Cosmapple Tree* or Arbor Madide. The bark's constant search for the alcoholic vapours from its homeworld on Santrigenus IV will remove every ounce of alcohol from your drink leaving you with one ready-prepared fruit juice. Share and enjoy.

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