The Dangers of Wearing a Red Star Fleet Uniform on Away Missions

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The Original series of Star Trek had three colours of uniform tops. Gold for command, Blue for Science and Medical, and Red for Security and Engineering. However because so many of the security team had to beam down on away missions to strange hostile planets they had the highest mortality rate. However why they should have the most conspicuous uniform is totally unknown. Maybe they did all their training on Mars. However they stood out like a sore thumb yet somehow Cheif Engineer Scott never seemed to be hit on his numerous away mission. Maybe this just goes to show why the Household Divisions of the British Army don't wear their dress uniform into battle.

So here are the casualities of that 5 year mission to explore strange new worlds: to seek out new life and new civilizations; and for them to boldly die where no one has died before. I will include a body count1, of Red, Gold and Blue and unknown casualties.

The Cage Three crewman including Captain Christopher Pike's own yeoman are reported dead in this the first pilot, there were no red shirts in this episode. 0R OG 0B 3U
Where No Man Has Gone Before Nine members of unknown origin died when in contact with the Galactic Belt in this the second pilot. Lee Kelso (G) died by stangulation by the mutated Gary Mitchell. Elizabeth Dehner (B) was another of his victims whilst Gary himself (G) was killed by Captain James Tiberius Kirk. 0R 2G 1B 12U
The Man TrapOn planet M-113 the salt vampire claimed several victims first Darnell (B) then Green (G) then Sturgeon (B) suffered on the planet. Barnhart (wearing an environmental suit) was killed by the creature aboard the Enterprise. 0R 3G 3B 13U
The Naked Time Joe Tormolen (B) commits suicide after becoming affected by the Psi-2000 virus. 0R 3G 4B 13U
Balance of Terror A phaser coolant link accounts for Tomlinson (G). 0R 4G 4B 13U
What are Little Girls Made Of The android Ruk pushes Matthews (R) off an underground cliff and strangles Rayburn (R). 2R 4G 4B 13U
Galileo Seven Latimer (G) and Gaetano (G) were both killed on a scouting party by a Taurean. O'Neal (U) was also mentioned as being killed by a Taurean spear he was on the second landing party. 2R 6G 4B 14U
Shore Leave Angela Teller (G) appeared to be killed by a strafing run, Dr. Leonard McCoy (B) was killed by a black knight, both were later revived by the caretaker. 2R 7G 5B 14U
Arena O'Herlihy (R) and Lang (G) are both killed in sperate Gorn attacks. 3R 8G 5B 14U
Devil in the Dark the mother Horta kills Kelly(R)2. 4R 8G 5B 14U
Catspaw Jackson (G) is killed by sympathetic magic. 4R 9G 5B 14U
Friday's Child a capellan wielding a kligat mortally wounds Grant (R). 5R 9G 5B 14U
Wolf in the Fold Karen Tracy (B) is killed by the fear entity. 5R 9G 6B 14U

To be continued

1Which may go in colour once someone gives the the code2Is anybody else noticing the number of crew members with obvious Irish descent getting killed off, or am I just being ethnic sensitive

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