Reverse Bunji Jumping
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The idea is fairly simple. One sits harnessed into a seat within a cage. The cage is attached to two very big rubber bands (bunjis) which in turn are connected to cables. The cables are run through pulleys atop two 34m towers.
The cage is anchored to the ground and the bunjis are tightened by the cables which are winched through the pulleys and disappear into the bowels of the towers.
Then the cage is let go.
Briefly one's body weighs 1.5 tonnes due to acceleration.
The speed reached is about 160km\h. this happens in one second.
One's body experiences 5g in this time.
- sounds like fun huh? -
It is quite an exciting pass time I can assure you.
I will complete this article after I've had a good lie down.
At this present time I'm in contact with operators and manufacturers of this device from around the globe. When they get back to me I'll complete this and stick in all the whistles and bells. In the meantime please feel free to disscuss this or let me know anything about this that I might not. And don be such a stranger pop over to my home page I'd love to chat.