Video Games

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Video games are the gateway to other worlds. From the moment you put that control in your hand to the time you past out from having your eyes glue to the screen. You are that person, you think feel and act out the way you want that person to be. Mainly I'm talking about RPG's but you get the point. Sure there is blood and guts and veins in your teeth gore in some video games now a days, but would you rather have your son/daughter destorying 128-bit demons or real people? It is also a escape, better than most drugs out there, and healthly too. Plus you don't run out of it as quickly as a drug. Let's take Link for a second, a little kid with a sword and knack for running around in forests talking to strange trees, or Mario who jumps and throws fireballs while eating magic mushrooms. It seems like all fun and games but in the end, it's what we all earn for the freedom to be a sword-buckler, mushroom eating, guy in a green suit having the freedom to run and explore and live life to the fullest instead of being bore down with jobs, so we can make money to surive. Video games are just a gateway to allow us to explore our inner selfs what we really want. to go and see the world and all it's glory.

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