
1 Conversation

This is not really a entry for this subject is different for each and everyone of us. this is mainly a feeling shared amust lovers in there most intimate moments of their relationship. Please bare with me, for some may understand this poem and others may think me a pervert. but this is how I felt..

Let's stop the lies, I can see it in your eyes. The tempation is to much to hide, let me slide it between your thighs, as we feel the pleasure rise up inside.
With each movement we make, our bodies begin to ache, for our desire gives us such overwhelming power, that our love-making lasts for hours.
As our hands are exploring every inch, we begin to twitch, while our bodies start to mix to a different beat, fueling our emotions with unworldy heat, causing us to perspire from our desire.
And in that moment we collaspe into each other's arms, knowing we will always remember this place with a smile on our face.

If you ever come across this feeling don't let that person go is the best advice I can give, do whatever it takes to stay with them, for love is a great thing but once it leaves the void is even greater to fill and the greater the love the bigger the hole. But even though they go hand in hand never give up. that's the worse thing you could do.

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