Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Movie

2 Conversations

Coming to movie-goers in 2005, get ready for the big-screen debut of the late Douglas Adams' cult-hit, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Based on the popular novels, The Hitchhiker's Guide is the story of Arthur Dent, a seemingly ordinary Earth-man who finds himself beamed into outer space. Once there, he hooks up with a really strange group of aliens including the at-first seemingly ordinary Ford Prefect (his old friend), a two-headed ex-Galactic president with a crazy sense of fashion, a chronically-depressed android and more! Along the way, he learns that nothing is ever like he really thought it was and that his planet of birth was part of a bigger secret than he ever could have imagined possible.



Mos Def
- Ford Prefect

Steve Pemberton
- Mr. Prosser

Anna Chancellor
- Questular Rontok

Martin Freeman
- Arthur Dent

Warwick Davis
- Marvin the Paranoid Android

Zooey Deschanel
- Tricia "Trillian" McMillan

Bill Nighy
- Slartibartfast

Sam Rockwell
- Zaphod Beeblebrox

John Malkovich
- Humma Kavula

Jerome Blake
- Vogon Guard

_!!!!_!!!!_This is going to be one hell of a movie_!!!!_!!!!_

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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