Created | Updated Jun 26, 2004
Stirred by their warmed youth
and with a sense of an inborn power
Young men marched to their destiny
with boyish hearts and laughter
Tied together by an unquestionable bond
how thrill their songs to merry tunes
Comrades in arms
A Nations hope - In a Nations name
Brought together by their unseen fate
The dead, the dying, all died the same
In foreign fields and poppy red glades
young lionhearts have lane through
Immemorial years
Unamed at times - Unamed faces
Imortalised in a sweethearts dream
or in a mothers story she once told
How thrill their cries
Drifting on the winds of a changing scene
to dissipate into echoes of a bygone age
How sleep the dying - How sleep the brave
How swiftly had the hour passed them by
When the song that a child once gave to birth
Beacame a song of courage - A song of hope
A song of pain
How swiftly had the hour passed them by
Comrades in arms
So far apart-and yet, so close they lie
A Nations hope - In a Nations name
who must never be forgotten
At the going down of the sun
Nor at the flicker of the last burning ember
And in the morning - We will REMEMBER