The Old Republic: Coruscant

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Alderaan is one of the most influential planets in the old Republic. Its outlying prinipalities and colonies provided an unending source of munitions and soldiers during the Sith war.

These resources fall under the direct control of the rulling royal family on Alderaan. All transport, education, exports, even food produce is under the control of the Royal family. Whilst this has caused tension in the past, it is the accept norm now, with high society receiving the best of everything from those with upmost authority.

This has caused a huge rift in the populace. The upper class lead a life of luxury, there every whim catored for. Whilst the multitude of those on Alderaan live in hunger. The rich are well protected from the lower classes by vast personal bodyguards, and the red and gold armour of the palace guards is a familiar and striking site on Alderaan. It is said that even the lower classes see them as gods amongst men, and several of the Palace guards are known to have originated in the slums and squallor.

The rulling Royal family on Alderaan has ruled the country for the best part of four centuries. They have held an iron grip that rebellion, madness, and disease have failed to loosen. The strict and at times brutal rulership has caused both resentment and adoration from all parts of society in equal messure. The current ruler is ------. He has only ruled Alderaan for a short time and it is whispered in circles that he is a sickly child, whose soon to die. With no hier to leave his kingdom too, Alderaan is poised for a bloody and brutal civil war.

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