Northumbria - A separate entity

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This is basically to further elaborate on another post called 'Free Northumbria' (not by me).

First off, this post isnt a delibarate ploy to annoy or antagonise anybody in any way, it is just my own personal opinion.

Well, im from Sunderland, (although i now live in Reading due to work commitments), and have always classed it as being from 'Northumbria', The ancient Kingdom of Northumbria is, as it's title suggests, and old notion, a relic of history, although, is it ?, In kingdom terms, yes, but i believe a viable objective is recognition of Northumbria as it's own entity, its own state if you like !, now i know, full independance is a pipe dream, the consequences of which i'm not sure would be that beneficial (??).

It's just that the region in itself has always been 'independant' in spirit, it feels different, it has it's own sense of pride and history, of course there is in-fighting (Newcastle-Sunderland.....a minor squabble, blame the civil war !lol), it even has its own language (a little known fact), which is really a dialect but so far from English as to be its own language.

I think a revival of Northumbria (as opposed to just a tourist board flight of fancy) would be a good thing, and of course, our own parliament would be needed, whether you agree with this regional assembly plan by Labour or not.

Basically, all i'm saying is, it would be nice for Northumbria to be recognised on its own merit, be its own separate place, rather than just a northern region of England, dont get me wrong, i love England, theres lots of beautiful places around,i support England teams when they are playing etc, but there is part of me that makes me want to say if im asked 'Where are you from ?',"Northumbria", and not have to explain, in summary, i feel more Northumbrian than English, and i think that a lot of people may feel the same.

I just thought i would bring this up for discussion maybe, if anyone has any opinions or questions, please feel free to let me know

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